You can’t get more Australian than some backyard cricket! It was an absolute pleasure to attend the Asian Sports Partnership Program event this morning with Julie Bishop MP, Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs Mangala Samaraweera, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, David Gallop and all other dignitaries and hardworking contributors in attendance.
The Asian Sports Partnerships Program (ASP) is a new program which will expand Australia’s sport for development cooperation into Asia in 2015–2017. Through this program, Australian National Sporting Organisations will support partnerships and innovation in Asia. The program is a key component of Australia’s Sports Diplomacy Strategy 2015-18, and replicates the success of the Pacific Sports Partnership program.
Activities supported through the ASP in 2015-16 include: engagement of women and children in safe spaces through netball; promotion of health and disability inclusion through football; and supporting healthy, connected communities through cricket.
I am so proud that our national sporting culture will be a vehicle to deliver positive outcomes to communities in key areas of health, disability and social inclusion, with a strong emphasis on empowering women and girls through participation in sport.