Today is #RUOKDay, a day to take the first step, check in and reconnect with those around us – after all, we are stronger together. We’re reminded about our duty to be a mate.
R U OK? Sometimes it’s the simplest words that are the hardest to say, but today we are being encouraged to start a conversation with someone if we notice they are struggling to cope.
The Turnbull Government is committed to reducing the prevalence and impact of suicide, with its commitment of $192 million over the next four years to strengthen mental health care and suicide prevention in Australia.
Starting a conversation could make a real difference to someone’s life. Sadly, every year, about 2,800 Australians take their own life. The added tragedy is that many of these deaths may be preventable.
The work done by R U OK? will be further complemented by the efforts made to raise awareness on World Suicide Prevention Day, coming up on 10 September.
For more information on R U OK Day and tips for how to start a conversation, visit the R U OK? website www.ruok.org.au