I have been meeting with Friends of Cabarita Park and Wharf and listening to the concerns of local residents about security in Cabarita Park. Through the Federal Government’s Safer Streets Programme I’m supporting an application to address local residents’ concerns and address crime & anti-social behaviour.
The security and safety of our community is one of the most important roles of elected officials, and one I take very seriously – I’m proud to wholeheartedly back this local grassroots campaign.
Congratulations to all those involved for their hard work so far.
Link to Inner West Courier article (Eliza Barr): http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/inner-west/cabarita-park-not-a-hot-spot-despite-recent-incidents-and-residents-concern/news-story/2eeee1ba99039c08844ae3a5ed0aed20#load-story-comments