Good luck to all the Year 12 students as the 2016 exam period starts today. It’s been a while since I sat mine, but I still vividly recall the sleepless nights, stress and anxiousness.
If you’re struggling or feel like you can’t cope, please visit ReachOut.com Australia – http://au.reachout.com
ReachOut is running a ‘There’s Life After Year 12’ campaign to assist Year 12 students and their parents during this time.
While it’s no doubt an important time in your education, it’s even more important to look after yourself and keep things in perspective.
Many students will already have their next steps planned out. However if things don’t quite work out how you were planning, remember there’s a world of opportunities out there.
What matters is the attitude in which you conduct yourself, whatever you do. Treating others with respect, working hard and being willing to learn is of more important than a number on a piece of paper. After all, your entire adult lives are ahead of you.
Good luck and remember to breathe!