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The Coalition Government has a clear and exciting plan to building the infrastructure of the 21st century. This will ensure that our productivity levels improve, our international competitiveness is raised and pressure is taken off households in terms of cost of living.
We have already committed to a substantial number of infrastructure projects and the WestConnex and Western Sydney Airport projects are of particular importance to ourcommunity.
Roads to Recovery
The Coalition established the Roads to Recovery program in 2001. The programme has been incredibly successful in providing funds directly to local councils to improve their local road network.
The Roads to Recovery program has ensured that 650,000 kilometres of local roads have been maintained and upgraded. Maintaining these local roads is estimated to cost local governments $3.8 billion per annum.
Between 2001 and 2009, the Roads to Recovery programme provided more than $2.4 billion to support over 15,000 road projects.
The Coalition is committed to extending this programme once the budget position is restored to ensure that local councils can continue to provide essential transport infrastructure for the community.
The West Connex is the largest transport project in Australia, linking Sydney’s west and southwest with the CBD, Sydney Airport and Port Botany. It will transform Sydney and provide the opportunity to revitalise Parramatta Road, making it a more attractive place to live, work and socialise.
Work on stage 1 implementation, leading to the start of construction in 2015, is under way.
The second stage of WestConnex will be fast-tracked following an historic funding agreement between the Australian and NSW governments.
Specifically for the residents of our electorate, it will help distribute traffic across the wider road network, removing bottlenecks and relieving congestion for local trips. Additionally, it will allow urban revitalisation and increase opportunities for active and public transport along and across Parramatta Road.
Western Sydney Airport
The Coalition announced in 2014 that Badgerys Creek will be the site of the new Western Sydney Airport. As part of this commitment, the Australian Government is delivering on its plan to build a stronger and more prosperous Western Sydney by investing almost $3 billion over 10 years in major infrastructure upgrades that will transform the region’s economy.
The Australian and NSW Governments will jointly fund the road infrastructure plan through an 80/20 funding split.
The new plan involves major road and transport linkages that will capitalise on the economic gains from developing an airport at Badgerys Creek whilst boosting the local economy and liveability of Western Sydney, making it an even greater place to live and do business.
This investment will relieve pressure on Sydney Airport and unlock the economic capacity of the region by easing costly congestion, slashing travel times and creating thousands of jobs.

Thank you to the fantastic staff and incredible students from Strathfield North Public School for hosting the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Education Minister Simon Birmingham, and me this morning…
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ANZAC Day marks a time in our national calendar where all Australians stop and reflect upon the sacrifices made by those who have served, and pay respect to those currently serving…
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In June last year, I was joined by the Minister for Justice Michael Keenan at Cabarita Park to announce proposed funding to help combat criminal and anti-social behaviour in the precinct…
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