This year I am “kicking off” the Reid Community Cup!
The Reid Community Cup brings together eight local charities from across our electorate for a 1 day, 5-a-side soccer tournament on Sunday 15 March at Timbrell Park, Five Dock.
I am passionate about the Community Cup because it is an opportunity to promote the organisations that have such a vital role in our community through the work they undertake on a daily basis – as well providing a fun day out for our community to come together and watch the soccer.
Each of the eight charities enters one team made up of their employees, volunteers and in many cases the people they help!
On the day, we’ll be providing a sausage sizzle (voluntary coin donation). Members of the public can also donate straight to the charities on the day and we’ll have details on how to get involved if they’re looking for volunteers.
Stay tuned between now and the day of the tournament as I’ll be introducing each of the teams participating in the tournament…