I am staggered at the prevalence of domestic violence in our country. 63 women have been killed this year as a result of domestic violence and 1/6 of Australian women have experienced violence at the hands of their partner.
As a father, husband and son, I am very passionate about respecting women and am incredibly proud that our Government has pledged $100 million to tackle family and domestic violence as a key priority. $59 million towards innovative technologies to keep women safe, $36 million to train more frontline staff to recognise and respond appropriately to women experiencing violence and $5 million to provide better educational resources.
If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault or family violence, call 1800 737 732 or visit http://www.1800respect.org.au/ In an emergency, call 000.
Let’s work together and change attitudes towards violence and abuse. It’s not acceptable and it’s not Australian #stoptheviolence