What a great morning at Strathfield North Public with Dr Larry Marshall from the CSIRO, students and celebrating the beginning of National Science Week #NatSciWk
Running from 13 to 21 August, National Science Week features more than 1600 events, with diverse topics like astronomy at Uluru, a science film night in Antarctica and an information session with Adelaide’s Australian Wine Research Institute.
This morning I had the pleasure of watching two scientists in training, Luke and Jordan create a working motor using a battery and a few wires – amazing stuff boys!
The Turnbull Government is supporting National Science Week with $500,000 under the National Science Week Grants Program. By showcasing Australia’s scientific achievements, we want to inspire the next generation of young Australians to be excited about the opportunities of being engaged in science.
As Australians, we are renowned for our ingenuity. To help foster and strengthen our scientific talents, I encourage all Australians to participate in National Science Week where possible.
Link to Facebook video of Craig, Dr Larry Marshall from the CSIRO and students: /a24a5be7a6076556c8c2f16e5065bd40/CraigLaundyMP/videos/1156262851061815/