One of our regular ‘kitchen table conversations’ is the economy and jobs. As a sales manager (for a wine company), most of my customers are small business owners. It’s great that Craig and the Federal Government ‘understands’ small business, in particular, the drivers and hurdles for growth for SMEs. The Coalition Govt. reducing red tape and implementing other growth levers for SMEs has been fantastic. Well done!
And having been in export and international trade for more than 10 years, it’s really encouraging to see the impact the new Government is having in growing our export trade. When Labor was in power, for six years, we stood still whilst our international competitors continued to drive new global trade pacts . Since the Coalition came to power, we have signed two FTAs with major trading partners plus, put international trade back on the agenda. Once again, we are increasing our global competitiveness. Yeh!
Another hot topic in our household is infrastructure. We know how important ongoing investment in infrastructure is to our country’s productivity, such as the planned new airport at Badger’s Creek. On a personal note, on Saturday’s it sometimes takes 40 mins to take our son to sport, when it should take 20 mins. We’re very much looking forward to the West Connex and other major infrastructure projects that will alleviate the traffic congestion on Sydney’s roads.
We are also were very much heartened by the increasing investment in medical research. We know of friends whose children suffer from congenial birth defects. We very much hope ongoing medial research will reduce such medical conditions. Support of the disability pension plan is also welcomed.

It was an honour to co-host the Burwood Local Business Forum as the Minister for Small and Family Business, the Workplace and Deregulation, alongside the Australia Chinese Youth Business Association. The event was a huge success, with over 30 local business attendees at Burwood library. It is small and family businesses like those in my […]
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It was a pleasure to attend the West Harbour Rugby Union Football Club’s opening of their new Rugby Performance Centre. The centre at Concord Oval will strengthen the West Harbour Rugby Pirates and the wider sporting community. The new facilities were furnished with training equipment funded by Round 3 of the Stronger Communities Program, showing […]
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While building and construction, hospitality, health and education all account for a big slab of that employment, there’s a growing band of entrepreneurs building new high-tech concepts including virtual reality, digital mapping, 3D cameras, wearable technology and software. The Turnbull Government this week announced a grant of $500,000 to the University of Western Sydney to […]
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